Digital Tsunami is a platform for underground music based in Lithuania, operating since 2013. Focused on quality electronic music, we have originated as a radio show, evolved into series of podcasts and eventually grown into running DT CAMP in Lithuanian forests and raves in London, Vilnius, Kaunas and other cities around Europe.
We are focused on bringing only the very best artists who have tons of potential as well as supporting emerging underground music labels.
We are always open for real sound and keep searching for new talented underground artists.
Artists hosted so far...
23 Suspect - A Sagittariun - Abramovic - Akvilina - Alessandro Adriani - Alienata - Anna Haleta - Animistic Beliefs - Anthony Rother - Anwar Brokntoys - An-i - Assassid - Bambounou - Beau Wanzer - Benedikt Frey - Black Zone Myth Chant - Blackmoon77 - Bogdan Dražić - Broken English Club - Caline with C - Charles Manier - Chicago Flotation Device - Channel 37 - Chino - Credit 00 - Corin - Cyber - Daniele Cosmo - Das Ding - Digimas - Dj Nephil - Dj Normal 4 - Dzuma - Ece Özel - Eindkrak - Eivydas K - Elena Sizova - Ernestas Sadau - Exterminador - E-Saggila - eea FKA M.E.S.H - Eomac - EQS - Fallbeil - Flashman - Frans Aembient - Gamma Intel - Genyten - Glark n Glark - Gustav Goodstuff - Heap - Identified Patient - Ilius - Inga Vy - Innsyter - Interiors - Intergalactic Gary - JASSS - Jing - Jokubas Bajorinas - Joshua Cordova - Kid Who - KӣR - Krikor - Koehler - Konsistent - Kris Baha - Kristopher Hall - Lazercat - Lee Gamble - Little Vanya - Low Jack - Lukas Danys - LVRIN - L.F.T. - Manfredas - Marco Segato - Mario Moretti - Mark Knekelhuis - Marsman - Marvel - Maoupa Mazzocchetti - Mejle - Mick Wills - Mike Tansella Jr. - Mono Junk - Morah - MSCLN - MUK - Mures - Myn - Nastya Muravyova - nAX_Acid - Nick Klein - Nkisi - NKS - Not Waving - NVST - Ofra - OKO DJ - Olivia - Orgue Electronique - Pandora's Jukebox - Patricia Kokett - Paul Oneseven - Perseus Traxx - Philip Berg - Philipp Gorbachev - Philipp Otterbach - Phuong-Dan - Pol - Powell - PRZ - Ranishe Niyaak - Rapha - Retrograde Youth - Robert Bergman - Ron Morelli - Rugile - S13 - Sanarei - Shapoka - Shawn O'Sullivan - Slikback - Snow Bone - Split Pulse - Stallone The Reducer - Svengalisghost - Tapan - Terdjman - The Exaltics - Times New Roman - Timothy J. Fairplay - Trenton Chase - Tumosa - TV.OUT - Under Black Helmet - Voidloss - Voiski - Volition Immanent - Weevil