She looked deep into my eyes my stare falling into hers full forward and I was enveloped in cerulean blue and held in crisp clear skies.
Its time she said
I danced on still hot dunes in the white new moonlight catching naked limbs on heated desert winds. Stamping out rhythms in the sand beneath my feet I embraced the heavens and felt stars shine through me, extending my arms shaping streaming radiation into wings.
Love she said
I was in the jungle deep with her, enveloped in the green pressed against the trees. I tasted her on my breath, heard her whispers in my sleep. I had her in my blood and in my sweat I smelt her scent.
Yeah, and thats why I must leave
And then the music ended and through the smoke the dancefloor cleared and in her absence and I was given the strength that I was me.
KӣR is the solo production epithet of WhyBaneWhy, resident DJ of Belgrades hallowed halls of techno, Drug§tore. WhyBaneWhys sets incorporate a wide range of influences to travel far off beaten paths drawing in influences from techno to new wave, incorporating power electronics, obscure ambient, folk music, twisted echoes found lost deep in wormholes and whatever else it takes to get you feeling thoroughly unsettled, lost and disorientated whilst working up a sweat. KӣR takes all this and pushes it farther using hardware, live. Its visceral music, embracing drone, repetition, rippling soundscapes and obscure sonic horizons, sailing confidently where many others dare not venture. Shaman music, drum led hypnosis. KӣR gifts us with a deep tribal mix, at turns dark and disorientating, others beautiful and light. This is music from the other world coming to take you home.